Congratulations, Mama and welcome to week 32 of your pregnancy!
This week your baby is positioning herself head down in your uterus as you’re getting closer and closer to delivery. At around 4 pounds and measuring between 16.5 and 17 inches long, your little one is about the size of a large squash.
As for you, mama, your doctor appointments will likely start to be every two weeks starting very soon, if they haven’t already.
At 8 months pregnant, you’re probably still experiencingheartburn, shortness of breath, vaginal discharge and aching pelvis.
Some additional symptoms we’ve talked about include Braxton Hicks contractions and super dark nipples. For more on Hyper-pigmentation, make sure you check out our week 6 episode!

This week we have our first male guest on the podcast, my husband Joshua Bally!
I got the great opportunity to interview the love of my life and ask him all the Dad questions I have. I loved getting his perspective on all things Fatherhood for our Father's Day episode!